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How To Flirt With Women

How To Flirt With Women

Flirtation is an interesting subject indeed. We all do it at one time or another, in one way or another. Yet some of us do it better and more effectively than others. Would you like to learn how to flirt with women?

Then let’s start by asking  what would be better and more effective flirtation? Well let’s look at the definition:How To Flirt with Women

“Playful behavior intended to arouse sexual interest.”

So any flirtation that was more effectively arousing sexual interest would be better flirtation by this definition.

Now the problem with flirtation is there is no one way to flirt with women. So when we look at the subject of  how to flirt with women, as I have mentioned many, many times in my writings, different people have different personalities. What one person would consider “arousing” another might consider crude, or stupid or childish.

So are there any universal types of behavior that might be effective flirtation when we look at how to flirt with women?

Yes, communication as opposed to no communication. (Notice I said communication – not talking. Communication can be non-verbal.)  In other words there has to be a communication in order to flirt. That is a universal attribute of flirtation.

Successful or effective flirtation would create “attraction.”  So a communication designed to create sexual attraction or interest would be effective flirtation, despite personality differences.

Now remember, personalities too can vary widely on what is considered “attractive.” If you read my articles on how to meet women in bars and clubs you will remember that in order to create attraction, one type of personality required a direct confident communication said directly to them, whereas another required the opposite, an indirect communication said in their presence but aimed at another.

So “how to flirt with women” can get complicated.

But let’s get back to how to flirt with women and talk about what works most of the time in normal everyday situations – not bars and clubs.

How To Flirt With Women:

1)      Smile. Definitely a flirt and usually received as such by most people.

2)      Look her in the eyes, without flinching and looking away. (Followed by a “smile” is definitely a top flirt.)

3)      Talk to her. Find an obvious excuse to talk to her. “Excuse me, do you know what time it is?” Or “Do you know where there is a bookstore around here?” It doesn’t matter what you say.  If you do one and two above then approach and talk to her, she will know you are flirting. And it is a better flirt if you just suggest interest. Telling her how hot she is can be an effective flirt for some women, but will blow a lot of really hot women away. Keep it suggestive, you will do better in the long run.

4)      Find an excuse to move in close. (Make sure you smell good when you do.) Hold it for a brief moment or two then back away again. Closeness suggests intimacy. Use it sparingly when you can.

5)      Find an excuse to touch her lightly now and again. Touch her arm, her elbow, her hand. Don’t be feely, grabby, that is NOT how to flirt with women, just a light touch then retreat. Again this is a form of closeness that suggests intimacy.

6)      Don’t overstay your welcome. Make your flirts short and sweet. Move in, flirt. Leave and do something else. Come back and flirt again. Leave, come back. Keep this sort of cycle going. This kind of flirtation is best done with people you can see again.  This won’t work on a woman walking down the street that you won’t ever see again. That would require a different type of flirt strategy and you would have to get her number or something for it to be successful.

7)      Now as you get to know her in the steps above, you can extend your “drop ins” and talk a little. Be real, compliment her personality or her taste in clothes, or non-sexual parts of her body (for example, her eyes or hands). Don’t be blatantly sexual. Most of all listen to what she has to say. Play off of that. Flirtation is all about her – not about you. So “how to flirt with women” correctly is done by paying attention to her – so don’t start bragging and talking about yourself.

Now if you do these things you will create a little sexual excitement on the part of most women. I would say about sixty percent of women would respond to the above in a positive way in a normal situation. (Not a bar or club or walking down the street.)

What about the other forty percent? Well that requires about fifteen other strategies. “How to flirt with women” in these cases requires things like “negative sex talk”, ignoring them, being close and ignoring them, paying attention to another woman, being cocky and funny, “positive sex talk”, being super romantic, talking dirty, being shy, etc. Things I talk about elsewhere…..

But let me say one other thing here about flirtation and how to flirt with women correctly with respect to all of these other strategies.  Most people think sexual interest and flirtation starts with positive sexual talk, but it doesn’t. The lowest level of flirtation especially in uncomfortable situations is “negative sex talk”.

Negative sexual talk is talking about not having sex, or not wanting to have sex, or talking about someone else who is into sex as creepy, disgusting, or characterizing them in some other negative way, etc. This is the lowest form of sexual interest and flirtation someone can show you. Because they still ARE talking about sex. And they are talking about it with YOU.

People who really aren’t interested in sex or you, don’t bring it up at all, and really don’t get “into it” if you bring it up. I learned about this one day, when I was driving a fellow student home from college. She invited me up to her apartment, but quickly informed me that I couldn’t have sex with her. Since, I had shown her no sexual interest, and since I really wasn’t interested, I found this rather odd. A few weeks later she seduced me. She got me to have sex with her when I didn’t want to and wasn’t really attracted to her. This is when I put it all together. She was attracted to me from the very first. And her negative comment about “not having sex” was the level at which she began her sexual flirting.)

So if a girl is not into flirting at “positive sexual talk” try a little “negative sexual talk” and see what happens. And that my friend is how to flirt with women correctly.

How To Flirt With Women

Mr. L. Rx – “How To Flirt With Women” copyright (c) 2010


Posted in Articles, Attract Women, Flirt With Women, For Men.

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  1. A Surefire Way To Attract Someone Special : : Anger Management linked to this post on November 16, 2010

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  2. Honesty Is The Best Policy linked to this post on November 27, 2010

    how to flirt with women…

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  10. Dating Strategies: Engage Women And Try Making Your Dates Impressive And Remarkable | My Flirting Secrets linked to this post on February 17, 2011

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  11. 10 Top Reasons Why On-line Dating May Be A Very Good Suggestion | linked to this post on February 19, 2011

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  12. Tips On How To Interpret Nonverbal Communication And How You Can Flirt While Dating — The Professionals' Opinion | Find your best match. Tips and tricks. linked to this post on February 20, 2011

    […] but it can often be interpreted incorrectly by the individual being flirted with. To prevent any negative sexual talk from occurring, get suggestions on how to flirt correctly to succeed in effective […]

  13. Dating Success: Top 10 Tips To Improve Your Dating Life | linked to this post on February 22, 2011

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  14. Eight Basic Rules For Effective On-Line Dating | Uncategorized | Wedding Info Tips and Reviews linked to this post on February 24, 2011

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  15. Seven Factors Of Women You Must Understand | Get Your Ex-Back Solution linked to this post on March 3, 2011

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  16. Help Me Save My Marriage » Blog Archive » Honesty Definitely Stands Out As The Best Policy – A Short Explanation Concerning This Subject linked to this post on March 3, 2011

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  18. How You Can Understand Gestures And How You Can Flirt While Dating – The Professionals’ Opinion linked to this post on March 15, 2011

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  19. Do Not Listen To Your Friend’s Dating Advice! linked to this post on March 16, 2011

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  21. Dating Success: Ten Rules To Improve Your Dating Life | Find your best match. Tips and tricks. linked to this post on March 27, 2011

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  22. Dating Hints: Engage Women And Try Making Your Dates Impressive And Memorable | Automated Content Now PowerBars linked to this post on April 4, 2011

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  26. Dating Hints: Captivate Women And Try Making Your Dates Worthwhile And Memorable | Reuben Colunga linked to this post on May 7, 2011

    […] in case you do not know how to flirt with women, you might desire to seek guidance on flirt dating. When you’ve become used to flirting and […]

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    […] that you’ve prepared yourself, go for it, test it out and attract women! When you do not have anyone to practice this on, get guidance on how to snag that special someone […]

  28. Dating Success: Ten Tips To Enhance Your Dating Life « linked to this post on May 30, 2011

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  31. Do Not Listen To Your Friend’s Dating Advice! | linked to this post on June 11, 2011

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  32. Dating Strategies: Engage Women And Try Making Your Dates Impressive And Remarkable linked to this post on July 10, 2011

    If you don’t know how to flirt with women, you might desire to seek guidance on flirt dating. When you’ve become used to flirting.

  33. Learn How To Recharge And Restart Your Dull Relationship | Get Him To linked to this post on July 15, 2011

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  34. Equality In Comparison To Partnership: The Big Difference That Makes All Of The Difference linked to this post on September 15, 2011

    Since it’s a partnership of unequals, not an equality of 2 identical parties. This is why dating to relating can be tough for us and particularly for men who try desperately to attract

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  36. Virtual Dating Guide – It Is Easy, Entertaining, And Secure » white women dating in chicago linked to this post on November 13, 2011

    You’ve got all bases covered and all is going smoothly, put a little flirtation in your communications. If you are playful on your dating profile, have fun.
